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National Ambassador On the Road

June 7, 2024

Current National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, Meg Medina, will wrap up her amazing two-year term with trips to Texas, Kansas, and Missouri this summer and fall.

Her ¡Cuéntame!: Let’s Talk Books tour has already taken her to California and New Hampshire in 2024. During her tour, Medina inspires students and families to experiment with “book talks” — the process of sharing books to start conversations and build excitement about reading.

Medina has spent her Ambassadorship speaking to communities about story sharing and what it means to connect over books, highlighting the invaluable resource that is a community’s public library, and encouraging the reading lives of kids.

Each of Medina’s tour stops include a visit to a local school and a public library event that is open to the community.

This summer you can find her in Brownsville, TX on July 17. She will be at the Brownsville Public Library at 11am.

This fall will see Meg in Salina, KS and Kansas City, MO. Join her at the Salina Public Library at 6pm on October 22 and the Mid-Continent Public Library at 6pm on October 24.

Medina has done so much during her Ambassadorship to connect with young readers and their families, including office hours at the Library of Congress and her brand new “Let’s Talk Books!” Video Series.

See clips from Meg’s past trips.


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