Promotional Tools

 2024 Resources to Promote Your Involvement in Children’s Book Week

For traditional media, social media, and digital communications, all event locations and other Book Week supporters can use these essential tools.

Just right-click on each image and save!

Logo design by Laura Peraza, © Every Child a Reader

Resources and Materials

• Find all our celebration ideas and free materials in our Resources section.
• Follow #NoRulesJustRead online for inspiration from book creators and young people celebrating across the country.

Follow these handles and tag us!

The Children’s Book Council

Every Child a Reader


Event Hosting Materials

Planning events for the week of November 4-10? Use these resources to promote in your community.

  • Use this blurb for your newsletter or on your website:

Celebrate Children’s Book Week, November 4-10!

Children’s Book Week is a national week-long event that celebrates books for young readers. 2024 is the 105th anniversary of this beloved program, and this year’s event slogan is No Rules. Just Read. We can’t wait to celebrate with you. Join us for one of these special events:

[add event details here]

  • These social media templates will help you promote too:

Celebrate Children’s Book Week with us [date of event]! We are breaking all the rules with this special event. (event listing link) #NoRulesJustRead [@childrensbookcouncil] [@everychildareader]

  • Make sure someone reads this introduction script at the beginning of your event to let everyone know about the magic that is Children’s Book Week!


Get the Word Out to Your Community

You do not have to have an event to celebrate. Share the message of Children’s Book Week and all the ways people can be involved.

  • Use this newsletter blurb:

Celebrate Children’s Book Week, May 6-12!
Children’s Book Week is a national week-long event that celebrates books for young readers. 2024 is the 105th anniversary of this beloved program, and this year’s event slogan is No Rules. Just Read. This playful theme is perfect for encouraging reading for pleasure in kids and kids at heart. Come into the [store/library] any time during the week and celebrate with us by ______________________. You can also celebrate using all the amazing free resources at Follow #NoRulesJustRead online for more.

  • Post on social media. Here are some templates to get started:

Use these on social media templates to spread the word about this year’s celebration:

I am a Children’s Book Week Champion, and I don’t play by the rules! Join the celebration of Children’s Book Week by reading what you want, when you want, and how you want! #NoRulesJustRead @everychildareader [or @everychildread]

Read what you want, when you want, and how you want, and celebrate Children’s Book Week your way! Find many great #NoRulesJustRead resources at: and join in the celebration! 

How do you break “reading rules?” I [fill in how you break the rules], and I’m proud of it! Celebrate Children’s Book Week May 6-12 with me. #NoRulesJustRead #EveryChildaReader

Use these to share how you participated (don’t forget to include pictures!):

I broke all the rules during Children’s Book Week and read (insert title) by (author handle)! #NoRulesJustRead [@childrensbookcouncil] [@everychildareader]

I’m a #ClubJustReadNoRules member and I celebrated Children’s Book Week by [insert activity or info on book read]. #NoRulesJustRead [@childrensbookcouncil] [@everychildareader]

All reading, no rules! Recipe for the best week ever. We joined #ClubNoRulesJustRead to celebrate #ChildrensBookWeek. What did you do to celebrate? [@childrensbookcouncil] [@everychildareader]


Become a Children’s Book Week Champion

Show your support for the transformative power of literacy by becoming a Children’s Book Week Champion!

Place this badge on your website or blog and link to, then post about it:

Join me in becoming a Children’s Book Week Champion, celebrating children’s books and the joy of reading! #NoRulesJustRead @everychildareader [or @everychildread]

Join [location name] in becoming an @EveryChildRead Children’s Book Week champion by celebrating the joy of reading what you want, when you want, and how you want! #NoRulesJustRead [@everychildareader] [@childrensbookcouncil]


Children’s Book Week Logo

Link this image to from your website or blog to direct young readers to information on Children’s Book Week. You can let friends and associates know that it’s Book Week by using it as an email signature. Just right-click and save!


More Resources and FAQs


Everything you need to know about our upcoming celebration!

Downloadable bookmarks, activities, and more for 2024 Book Week.

What is Children’s Book Week and how can you join in the celebrations?

Explore the amazing themes, materials, and events of the past.

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