National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature

For her two-year term as National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, Medina will engage readers across the country via her platform “Cuéntame!: Let’s talk books.” Inspired by the phrase Spanish-speaking friends and families use to catch up with one another, “Cuéntame!” encourages connection amongst families, classrooms, libraries, and communities by talking about books—both those books that reflect the readers’ lived experiences and those books that expose readers to new perspectives.

Durante su mandato, Medina interactuará de forma dinámica con lectores jóvenes alrededor del país a través de su plataforma “Cuéntame!: Hablemos de libros”. Inspirado por la frase que ella suele utilizar con sus amigos y familiares de habla hispana cuando charlan, “Cuéntame!” conecta familias, aulas escolares, bibliotecas y comunidades por medio del mundo de la lectura, de los libros, de aquellas obras que reflejan las experiencias y realidades de los lectores y que abren horizontes y nuevas perspectivas.

Check out video highlights from Meg’s visits to schools and libraries across the country!

See the Book Resumé for Yaqui Delgado Wants To Kick Your Ass, created by the United Against Book Bans.

Learn more about the National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature program.

Meet Meg Medina and hear about her inspiring platform, "¡Cuéntame!: Let’s talk books"

Explore Meg's platform, ¡Cuéntame!: Let’s talk books

Find out where Meg Medina is traveling during her two year term and how you can submit a proposal.

Who were our past ambassadors and their platforms?

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